Kubernetes Demystified for Business Owners | Public

Uploaded at : 2023. September 28.

Containers Workshop Kubernetes Business IT For Non-IT People VM

In this workshop, we demystify Kubernetes for business owners. You can learn what Kubernetes is, why is it a well-recognized technological solution to support IT processes, and how can it help your business.

The video provides a deep but understandable insight into how Kubernetes works for non-tech people. You will learn about virtual machines and containers, why you need them, values and benefits that have an effect on your IT processes. And efficient IT processes can be easily translated into money which is already a business issue.

Join us and expand your IT business knowledge that can help to improve the performance of your company!

Kubernetes Demystified for Business Owners | Public

Uploaded at : September 28. 2023

Containers Workshop Kubernetes Business IT For Non-IT People VM

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