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Power Skills: The Key to Project Management and the Significance of Communication Skills

Elapsed:2023. December 8. 10:00 - 11:00

Guest:  Attila Engert

How do “Power skills” play a crucial role in the world of project management? What distinguishes professional/hard skills from the so-called Power skills? In which knowledge areas do professional vs. Power skills dominate more? What are the essential elements of communication skills? We aim to answer these questions in this presentation.

Event experts

Attila Engert

Attila Engert

Innovation Manager @ Protechtor / Sr. Strategic Project Manager @ Thermo Fisher Scientific

I am Attila Engert, currently living in the Netherlands with my family for over 3.5 years. With nearly 10 years of experience in various industries, I specialize in Project Management, currently working as a Sr. Strategic Project Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Additionally, I lead my own company with the goal of assisting Project Managers in building their careers through coaching and mentoring, as well as fostering project management culture through training, workshops, and consultancy for companies. In my free time - as it still exists :) - I enjoy playing squash and board games, the latter I find particularly useful for developing certain Power skills.

Power Skills: The Key to Project Management and the Significance of Communication Skills

Elapsed:2023. December 8. 10:00 - 11:00

Communication Hard Skills Power Skills Progress Project Management