Example Mapping – The Product Discovery Series | Public

Uploaded at : 2023. September 26.

Product User story Rules Validation Behaviour Agile

Product Discovery Series is a collection of 4 videos about techniques and tools that can help you with the following:

  • Discover customer and user needs
  • Design or discover features for new and existing products
  • Create or discover the product market fit between needs and features

In this episode, you can learn about Example Mapping.

Example mapping is an agile product discovery technique that helps teams

  • create a shared understanding of how a product should work,
  • write better user stories,
  • find more relevant business rules, and
  • formulate acceptance criteria to validate the product’s behavior.

Example mapping is part of Behavior-Driven Development or BDD. BDD consists of three phases: Discovery, Formulation, and Automation. Example mapping is a technique in Discovery. However, it is generic enough so teams can use it independently of BDD.

Example Mapping – The Product Discovery Series | Public

Uploaded at : September 26. 2023

Product User story Rules Validation Behaviour Agile

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