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The Product Discovery Series

Elapsed:2023. September 22. 09:00 - 10:00

Product Discovery Series is a collection of 4 videos about techniques and tools that can help you with the following:

  • Discover customer and user needs
  • Design or discover features for new and existing products
  • Create or discover the product market fit between needs and features

In this episode, you can learn about EventStorming.

EventStorming is a way to run a highly interactive and visual discovery workshop. Teams run this kind of workshop to understand better how an organization works, how a process works, how a product works, or how it should work. EventStorming even helps teams fill the backlog and build the architecture.

In this video, we concentrate on discovering the features of an existing or future product.

EventStorming is closely related to a software development methodology called Domain-Driven Design or DDD, but can be used independently of it.


Elapsed:2023. September 22. 09:00 - 10:00

DDD Features Product Understanding