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Value Proposition Design

The Product Discovery Series

Elapsed:2023. September 19. 09:00 - 10:00

Product Discovery Series is a collection of 4 videos about techniques and tools that can help you with the following:

  • Discover customer and user needs
  • Design or discover features for new and existing products
  • Create or discover the product market fit between needs and features

In this episode, you can learn about Value Proposition Design.

Value Proposition Design is a set of techniques and tools that help product teams create products customers want. There are three areas where you can use Value Proposition Design:

  • Discover the jobs or activities, the pain points, and the expected gains of the users of your products.
  • Discover and design the products, services, and specific features you want to offer customers. Some features will help users do their jobs, some will relieve their pains, and some will create gains.
  • And most importantly, find the features that match customers’ needs. In other words, discover the product-market fit.

Value Proposition Design

Elapsed:2023. September 19. 09:00 - 10:00

Costumer Design thinking Features Needs Organisation Product