Inventing new AI-based solutions from scratch – What to consider? | Public

Uploaded at : 2024. January 09.

Data AI Decision making Challenges Invention Developement

Why do we create new technologies from scratch? What is the philosophy and motivation behind it, what is the problem with the already existing technologies?

We hosted Isabell Kunst, AI expert and CEO of Xephor Solutions. We talked about the challenges that can arise when we develop new technologies and the most important aspects that you have to consider if you want to develop a new AI technology.

Isabell Kunst

Isabell Kunst

CEO @ Xephor Solutions

Isabell Kunst has been the CEO of Xephor since 2016 and is particularly active in the areas of marketing and mathematics, in which she has many years of practical experience. Isabell was instrumental in the development of an independent AGI technology: From the philosophical roots, through brain research to practical implementation.

She holds a PhD from the University of Vienna.

Inventing new AI-based solutions from scratch – What to consider? | Public

Uploaded at : January 09. 2024

Data AI Decision making Challenges Invention Developement

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