Biztonsági és integrációs megfontolások AI agent bevezetése kapcsán
2025. március 14.
Evolution of the Shopping Experience – a Walmart Case Study | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2021. május 14.
This session will provide an in-depth look at how the world’s largest retailer is evolving the digital and physical customer shopping experience. This will be a case study looking at the Walmart tech brand, the online grocery pick-up, self-driving cars, and more. Come learn how Walmart is using tech to scale their business. You are going to get first-hand experience about the hottest trends in the US market from Claude Jones, Site Lead of Walmart Labs.
This event is the opening session of the E-commerce Business and Technology Workshop Series organized by Stylers Group and Braining Hub for the members of the Hungarian e-commerce market.
You are welcome to attend if you…
16:00 – 16:45 Conversation with Claude Jones
16:45 – 17:15 Q&A
17:15 – 17:30 Closing, technical information
Participating is free but subject to registration.
Site Lead at Walmart Labs
Claude Jones is a seasoned technical leader with over 16 years of experience. He is currently the site lead for Walmart Labs in Carlsbad helping to contribute to the growing tech culture here in San Diego
In addition, in his spare time, Claude runs the Elevate Foundation, an organization he started focused on giving back to the community by helping others in need. He started The Practical Leadership Guy where he offers services for motivational speaking, life coaching, and his leadership thoughts on common sense leadership techniques through his blog encouraging others to be the best they can be.
Claude is also the founder of San Diego Tech Hub an organization focused on changing the perception of the San Diego tech ecosystem. The focus is to be a conduit for change connecting businesses, organizations, and individuals, leveraging their resources, passions, and talents to build a stronger San Diego tech community through collaboration.
Evolution of the Shopping Experience – a Walmart Case Study | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2021. május 14.
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