A vezető, mint ember Önismeret és példamutatáson keresztüli vezetés
2025. február 13.
Five core practices for effective organisation | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. április 09.
This talk was recorded at Stretch Conference 2022. Benjamin Taylor from Redquadrant spoke about this and this topic. Drawing on multiple theories and over twenty-five years of practice, particularly in public service transformation, including introducing agile service transformation in public services.
The practices offer the potential to influence motivation, results, and evolving purpose will help beginners and battle-hardened veterans alike.
In this session, he will introduce :
These practices provide powerful organisational development interventions which really make a difference, and which, collectively, support lean, agile, and systems thinking in organisations of any kind.
The event was organized by Crafthub.
Five core practices for effective organisation | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. április 09.
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