Banki CIO kerekasztal: A fejlesztés hatékonyság növelése
2025. március 06.
How AI/ML shapes EPAM into the Adaptive Enterprise | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. március 07.
This talk was recorded at Craft Conference 2022. Dmitry Razorionov from Epam spoke about management and delivery management. In our session, we will speak about how EPAM has designed and initiated Skills platform creation, including some insights of how data is structured, how it works with ML components to convert CV or any Text into skills cloud, how it then works in staffing, people and delivery systems.
We will also speak about impact of Skills graph into new thinking of EPAM data model and data flows giving speak peek into knowledge domain model and roadmap of new objects and relations that will start appearing in EPAM as key enabler to move data-driven decisions from buzzword state to something more practical.
The event was organized by Crafthub.
How AI/ML shapes EPAM into the Adaptive Enterprise | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. március 07.
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