A vezető, mint ember Önismeret és példamutatáson keresztüli vezetés
2025. február 13.
How to scale a unicorn-building engineering team (and stay sane) | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. február 01.
This talk was recorded at Stretch Conference 2022. Gad Salner from Kaduregel Shefel spoke about how to empower engineers.
THE most common question I get asked by people familiar with my recent journey is: ״how the hell did you go from a team of 1 to a 25 person engineering group in a year?״
We weren’t short on challenges this past year: lockdowns, remote onboarding for new employees, and hyper-growth struggles. Each of these can break a team on their own. But when you create and instill fundamental habits that grow individual capabilities, expanding the team isn’t just possible, it’s actually quite a natural progression.
Without a solid game plan wouldn’t have made it very far. And moving forward, we’ve laid a roadmap that gradually empowers those 25 engineers to grow and take ownership, paving the way for the next 50.
This is the story behind one of Melio’s engineering groups, and how we’re building a kickass, world-class team, which among other things, is changing the conversation around payments.
In this talk, I’ll take a deep dive into our new strategy step-by-step, from planning to execution: my structured game plan for empowering engineers to drive your team’s rapid growth in size, responsibility, and impact.
The event was organized by Crafthub.
How to scale a unicorn-building engineering team (and stay sane) | Publikus
Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. február 01.
A vezető, mint ember Önismeret és példamutatáson keresztüli vezetés
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