Leading Through Chaos | Publikus

Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. március 21.

Methodologies Team Leadership CraftHub Risk management

This talk was recorded at Stretch Conference 2022. Hélio Vogas from www.heliovogas.com spoke about chaos management.

If you look from a historical standpoint, chances are you will never go through another pandemic again. From a statistical standpoint, you will most likely go through one or more crisis, be it economically, politically, local, political, industry-wide or just at your company.

Either way, how you lead your team through these crises is crucial.

It doesn’t matter if you prefer Waterfall, SCRUM, Agile, Kanban, Lean Six Sigma, Extreme Programming, etc. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself an authentic, servant, transactional or whatever style leader. When things hit the fan, you need to raise above these titles, methodologies and styles and be the leader the moment requires of you.

In this session, Hélio will show you a few things you can do to lead your team more effectively through a crisis, regardless of your preferred leadership style or management methodology.

The event was organized by Crafthub.

Szakmai partnerek

Leading Through Chaos | Publikus

Feltöltés dátuma : 2024. március 21.

Methodologies Team Leadership CraftHub Risk management

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